Isn't life crazy sometimes!! Yesterday was supposed to be my big study day. I had to do a rotation with a nutritionist in the morning and then i was going to use the rest of the day to catch up on studying in the afternoon and then my mentor, Dr. Wu called ans aid, "Hey we have a first time mom in labor right now, can you come help with the delivery in about an hour?" I was excited of course to be a "doctor" for my first delivery so I got to the hospital, hung out with the patient, translated for the nurse since she only spoke Spanish, tried to stop her from pushing until she was completely dilated, calmed the family down... and then watched as the baby was born and then helped deliver the placenta ( I messed up on that, but I won't go into details right now). Anyway, it was a really good experience and, such an amazing thing to help bring a life into the world!!!
I teared up a couple times when the baby was crowing and when he was delivered and had to remind myself to be an objective viewer... how do I do that though, I how do I turn off my emotions and just watch and help without letting any emotional attachment happen? I guess I need to find some sort of balance between being emotionally invested and still objective enough to do what is required. I am just afraid of being one of those heartless or at least insensitive doctors that just do their job and don't care. So ya, that's another one of those wonderful challenges of becoming a doctor!
So by the time that was done (and I am so glad that I was there to help and experience it) it was 4. So I went home and some things happened so I wasn't able to leave and study or study at home... So we ate and then I started to study, but then Erin needed some help with the kids and then she had to go work on Relief Society things so I stayed to put the kids to bed, which is usually a pretty quick process... but for some reason yesterday it took forever!! So basically, what I am saying is that I finally went to sleep at 11:30 patting Gracie's back... without studying at all. I admit that I got frustrated and maybe punched the bed a couple of times (which really helped obviously) but anyway, it was rough because I was stressed about studying and everything else. I wouldn't change anything about the night though. Erin needed to go do her thing for relief society so I am glad she went and, anyway, the point it is, it was hard and I am really behind now. But I prayed and woke up this morning and just felt like nothing had happened... so sleep is cool for that reason.
Anyway (and I realize that is like the hundredth time that I said that) life is just rough sometimes, especially with being busy for whatever reason we have to be super busy! For me it's two great kids, a wonderful wife and her hobbies and activities, and medical school. Everyone gets busy but putting first things first... scripture study, prayer, family, taking care of your body, etc. makes everything better somehow. Heavenly Father loves us so much and I am always amazed at the mercy and love He shows to me and my family. We are soo blessed!
I heard a song on the radio this morning that seems to fit my mood lately of really just plugging along and getting through and enjoying life's challenges. It's the last song in the playlist at the bottom of the screen... there is a "D" right at the beginning so, sorry about that. I'll have to talk to Kenny Chesney about his potty mouth.
Erin, could you maybe write up what we were talking about yesterday about the purpose of life here and in the eternities so I can post it here too?? LOVE YOU!