Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You might see more posts entitled "thoughts" in the future because that's what they are I guess.

So I have been thinking about health care lately, and I have always considered myself a conservative. I think I am pretty conservative and I believe that economy in particular deserves and runs best with a free market-driven system. I don't think the government should be as involved even as they are. I do believe though, with the whole health care thing going on right now, that conservatives take their views too far. There are a lot of people out there who say that the government shouldn't be involved in health care or providing insurance for Americans, that we need to take care of that for ourselves to preserve our power of choice... and while I agree to an extent, there comes a point where you have to stop thinking about the lifeless economy and start thinking about people. There are something like 40 million people in this country (myself included) who can't afford to pay for crappy health care right now so we just go without. Something has to be done and if the private sector doesn't step up to do something about it, and it certainly isn't, then the government needs to step in and take care of the people. Somebody please come up with a better option so the government doesn't have to, but for now, I hope that the US can pass something that will allow people to enjoy life without worrying about how to pay to stay alive. Regarding this, I have heard conservatives argue that the government should just buy our food and buy our houses and everything else if they are going to take care of our health... well no, of course not. Those things are still affordable and are not part of broke systems the way health care is. Anyway, I am all for helping the people and I hope that a better system can be installed here.

Speaking of helping people, I miss Guatemala. I have been reading lately about all these problems with food prices being ridiculous and people starving and... I feel like there is nothing I can do because I am studying to be able to help later... what can I do now though!? So much need in this world and we are so well taken care of. We have everything we could ever need! More than we could ever need in fact and I take it for granted so much. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying what we have, but there comes a point in your life, I feel like, that I need to stop wasting my time and resources (like I do so often on watching TV or watching awesome, stupid clips) and do something! Little changes though. One day and one decision at a time. It can't be done any other way as far I can tell... that's the only way I have changed anything in my life no matter how hard I try in spurts.

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