Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh, Life

Isn't life crazy sometimes!!  Yesterday was supposed to be my big study day.  I had to do a rotation with a nutritionist in the morning and then i was going to use the rest of the day to catch up on studying in the afternoon and then my mentor, Dr. Wu called ans aid, "Hey we have a first time mom in labor right now, can you come help with the delivery in about an hour?"  I was excited of course to be a "doctor" for my first delivery so I got to the hospital, hung out with the patient, translated for the nurse since she only spoke Spanish, tried to stop her from pushing until she was completely dilated, calmed the family down... and then watched as the baby was born and then helped deliver the placenta ( I messed up on that, but I won't go into details right now).  Anyway, it was a really good experience and, such an amazing thing to help bring a life into the world!!!

I teared up a couple times when the baby was crowing and when he was delivered and had to remind myself to be an objective viewer... how do I do that though, I how do I turn off my emotions and just watch and help without letting any emotional attachment happen?  I guess I need to find some sort of balance between being emotionally invested and still objective enough to do what is required.  I am just afraid of being one of those heartless or at least insensitive doctors that just do their job and don't care.  So ya, that's another one of those wonderful challenges of becoming a doctor!

So by the time that was done (and I am so glad that I was there to help and experience it) it was 4.  So I went home and some things happened so I wasn't able to leave and study or study at home... So we ate and then I started to study, but then Erin needed some help with the kids and then she had to go work on Relief Society things so I stayed to put the kids to bed, which is usually a pretty quick process... but for some reason yesterday it took forever!!  So basically, what I am saying is that I finally went to sleep at 11:30 patting Gracie's back... without studying at all.  I admit that I got frustrated and maybe punched the bed a couple of times (which really helped obviously) but anyway, it was rough because I was stressed about studying and everything else.  I wouldn't change anything about the night though.  Erin needed to go do her thing for relief society so I am glad she went and, anyway, the point it is, it was hard and I am really behind now.  But I prayed and woke up this morning and just felt like nothing had happened... so sleep is cool for that reason.

Anyway (and I realize that is like the hundredth time that I said that) life is just rough sometimes, especially with being busy for whatever reason we have to be super busy!  For me it's two great kids, a wonderful wife and her hobbies and activities, and medical school.  Everyone gets busy but putting first things first... scripture study, prayer, family, taking care of your body, etc. makes everything better somehow.  Heavenly Father loves us so much and I am always amazed at the mercy and love He shows to me and my family.  We are soo blessed!

I heard a song on the radio this morning that seems to fit my mood lately of really just plugging along and getting through and enjoying life's challenges.  It's the last song in the playlist at the bottom of the screen... there is a "D" right at the beginning so, sorry about that.  I'll have to talk to Kenny Chesney about his potty mouth.

Erin, could you maybe write up what we were talking about yesterday about the purpose of life here and in the eternities so I can post it here too??  LOVE YOU!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just for you Chad

So my brother Chad and his wife Rebecca (or Reebockers as I call her) got a new kitten named "Laser Cat."  This video just makes me laugh for some reason. If you haven't seen it yet... it's just... awesome.
Oh, and here is the reason for the incredible name!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is a comment posted by Rich.  i love hearing what Rich has to say about health care reform because he's way smarter than me...  But I totally agree.  Should the private sector come up with a better option? YES.  Has the private sector come up with a better option or will it come up with a better option?  As long as the bottom line, not patient care is the goal, No way!  And  I think that that distinction is what makes it the private sector.  

"So when exactly is the private sector going to kick in and do something?

I don't know exactly what this guy's motives are but even if he rejects the public option, we NEED government intervention to promote change in health insurance. Health Insurance profits have gone up more than 200% since 2001.

Private companies answer to profits not people. So if we want change we need the government to pass good reform.

I seriously doubt that the 85% of Americans with insurance are happy with it.

And once again, a jab at Canadian health care. It's true, America is NUMBER ONE with cancer survival. A testament to how awesome US health care is in emergency and intensive care. But here's info from the US Congressional Office on the difference between Canada and the US:

"Results for Canada. Canada's system of national health insurance is often cited as a model for the United States. But an analysis of 2001 to 2003 data by June O'Neill, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, and economist David O'Neill, found that overall cancer survival rates are higher in the United States than in Canada:

For women, the average survival rate for all cancers is 61 percent in the United States, compared to 58 percent in Canada.

For men, the average survival rate for all cancers is 57 percent in the United States, compared to 53 percent in Canada."

So rather than making it sound like Canada is a death bed of cancer, especially for women. Let's take into account that the difference is between 3-4%.

And hold on a tic... if 3-4% makes a difference, how about this stat:

Probability of not reaching age 60:
Canada: 9.5%
United States: 12.8% "

What do you think??

Monday, October 19, 2009

Religious Freedon

If you haven't seen it yet, you should check out this talk given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks at BYU-Idaho. The talk discusses the constitutional right of freedom of religion and discusses the churches stance on gay marriage. It is a powerful and very interesting talk!

You know you're a Dad when...

So, Cole woke up about 4 times last night... we kept helping him go back to sleep and then i found out, at 6:30, that he had pooped in his sleep and that is why he kept waking up. So I got him up, changed his diaper, changed Gracie's diaper, and then took both kids downstairs to watch 101 Dalmations on Youtube with a kid on each knee. We watched the movie on one computer and I tried to study on my laptop while I wiped Gracie's spit up with my hand and wiped it on my pants and both kids farted on me at the same time... and I didn't think anything of it until I got to school and missed them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Updates and thoughts

I chatted with an orthopedic surgeon last night, he was a pretty young (35ish) guy, not married, no family, just working and being a surgeon... and he hated his job!  He said that the main problem with the system right now is that we (doctors) have to take an "us against them" mentality.  He said that every patient is a potential lawsuit so you have to work, not to take care of the patient, but to do what will make them happy and not sue you, but they might sue you anyway.  How can health care be administered well if patient care has to take second place behind covering your butt!?  In order for any health care system implemented to work, malpractice has to be reformed.

That is actually one reason why I want to practice in Canada.  People in Canada are just different, they aren't looking to sue doctors for the smallest thing.  I don't even know what it is really, but the attitude is different.  I mean, my doctors have messed up before, they have misdiagnosed broken limbs and other things and we didn't sue, we went to a different doctor or said, oh well, I guess he is human too!  There is no excuse for negligence or malicious intent, but the reasons that people in the US sue doctors are absolutely ridiculous and the fact that they win those lawsuits says something about the whole system.   

So, what could be done to make health care better?  I don't know, but I have been talking to people recently about the proper role of Government (inspired mainly by Mike Vedomske, although he didn't say anything, but his conservative views sear my sole).  There is a company here called Qliance that charges about $50 a month to take care of all routine health care needs, labs, etc but doesn't cover any emergency or hospital care.  I think this is a great idea, that you can pay a small amount and have all of the routine and preventive things covered, but then you have to pay a million dollars to be covered in the hospitals.  is this a step in the right direction?  I think so, but it's only a step.  I think that the market can and should bring some option besides the government paying to take care of everybody, but until someone brings an affordable option with the intention of taking care of a large group of people (mainly primary care with the patient centered medical home model) that is not established to make millions of dollars but to pay a decent salary to the people who start it, the government is out only option really.  Which stinks!

So somebody please come forward with a better option, the people need it, and the government doesn't need the added responsibility to take care of our health...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kinda gross... but true

Okay, so this is a little bit gross, but the truthfullness of it compensates for it's lack of propriety.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You might see more posts entitled "thoughts" in the future because that's what they are I guess.

So I have been thinking about health care lately, and I have always considered myself a conservative. I think I am pretty conservative and I believe that economy in particular deserves and runs best with a free market-driven system. I don't think the government should be as involved even as they are. I do believe though, with the whole health care thing going on right now, that conservatives take their views too far. There are a lot of people out there who say that the government shouldn't be involved in health care or providing insurance for Americans, that we need to take care of that for ourselves to preserve our power of choice... and while I agree to an extent, there comes a point where you have to stop thinking about the lifeless economy and start thinking about people. There are something like 40 million people in this country (myself included) who can't afford to pay for crappy health care right now so we just go without. Something has to be done and if the private sector doesn't step up to do something about it, and it certainly isn't, then the government needs to step in and take care of the people. Somebody please come up with a better option so the government doesn't have to, but for now, I hope that the US can pass something that will allow people to enjoy life without worrying about how to pay to stay alive. Regarding this, I have heard conservatives argue that the government should just buy our food and buy our houses and everything else if they are going to take care of our health... well no, of course not. Those things are still affordable and are not part of broke systems the way health care is. Anyway, I am all for helping the people and I hope that a better system can be installed here.

Speaking of helping people, I miss Guatemala. I have been reading lately about all these problems with food prices being ridiculous and people starving and... I feel like there is nothing I can do because I am studying to be able to help later... what can I do now though!? So much need in this world and we are so well taken care of. We have everything we could ever need! More than we could ever need in fact and I take it for granted so much. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying what we have, but there comes a point in your life, I feel like, that I need to stop wasting my time and resources (like I do so often on watching TV or watching awesome, stupid clips) and do something! Little changes though. One day and one decision at a time. It can't be done any other way as far I can tell... that's the only way I have changed anything in my life no matter how hard I try in spurts.

What I've learned so far this year

Backflip Shoes

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fo Real

So, some of you may have noticed (because I am so sure that my huge fan following goes over things pretty tediously) that there are some songs on my playlist from Miley Cyrus and country and other things... well, a man blog doesn't have to be all heavy metal and your crazy hip-hop... why can't us men just be nice and listen to things that will inspire and lift us...? It's good stuff regardless of who is singing or how many young girls rock out to their CDs.

Speaking of music though, i heard that one song on there called "Send it on" by all the Disney teeny boppers, and just realized how much my heart yearns to be out helping, serving, and lifting people out in the world. I was looking over some humanitarian projects and sites and just realized that that is where I belong. My heart aches to be able to go out and do good and, I forget that sometimes, so it is nice to have a little reminder sometimes.

I had my first opportunity to treat a real patient with a real complaint in the clinic yesterday and that reminded me and solidified once and for all why I decided to go for a DO school instead of an MD school. Nothing against MD schools, but I was able to fix this ladies back pain that she had been having for months when my MD mentor was just about to say, "well, it'll go away on it's own but there is nothing I can do for you." How cool is that!!? So now, when I look at how much more prestige and ease it seems like MDs have it, I can say, I didn't go into it for that. I don't want that. What I want is to be able to make a real impact on my patients' lives and I believe that ossteopathic medicine is the best way to do that!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So, I am just up to my eyeballs in stuff to learn right now.  It's fun though, balancing time between school and home.  It's definitely a challenge, one that I am paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for, but it's a good battle.  I am tired and overwhelmed though.  I will try to keep you updated better on the happenings, but for now, I am tired and ready to go to bed... hopefully Cole sleeps through the night tonight so I can too.  Of course, watching "A Goofy movie" at 1:00 in the morning is fun, but not my ideal nights rest.  What a funny kid!  I'll be home in about 25 minutes Erin!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Prepare to be amazed!

Oh, and check this out too.  There is a sweet basketball game on there that I definitely recommend!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


So, I just thought I should start blogging because, hey, everybody's doing it and if everybody jumped off a cliff, I guess there must be something pretty awesome down there so, I might as well too.

Anyway, so "mog" or "man blog" means that there are no girls writing here so there won't be any frilly lacy pictures or anything like that... not that those things are bad... but they have no place coming out of my mouth er, fingers. And the name of the blog "caneripin" means Canadian, American, Chapin... my nationalities in their proper order. So there you go. Now I need to make this thing look pretty and go to bed and write more another time.